Monday, October 28, 2019

Sometimes life throws you curve balls - March 26, 2012 Article - South Dade News Leader

I don’t know about you, but my life is like a baseball game and I’m constantly thrown curve balls. Everything will be going smoothly and then all of a sudden, boom! I’m thrown a curve ball. I swing and miss as another thing happens that I just was not ready to experience. I’ve learned over the years that there are physical, financial and emotional strikes. Lately, life has left me wondering when I will ever hit a home run. It all started last month with the physical strike of emergency gall bladder surgery. Not fun and certainly unplanned in all aspects. I missed work and was frustrated by the time it took me to recuperate. Strike one. This month I lost a crown on a tooth. Not only did I lose the crown, I broke the tooth as well. Because this tooth is in the front, I have two choices; have an implant or look like Minnie Pearl for the rest of my life. I’m not vain, but the beauty fairy wasn’t extremely kind to me so yesterday I started the process of having an implant. Strike two. Here I am now standing at home plate, up at bat, waiting to take a swing. My two physical strikes have been financial strikes at the same time. Insurance covered most of the surgery bill, but I have several thousands to pay on my own. I don’t have dental insurance so I have several thousands to pay there also. I think I’m going to cry foul ball. All things considering, I am counting my blessings right now. I have not recently been hit with what I feel is the most costly strike of all; the emotional strike. Things like death, serious illness or divorce are more costly than any bill I may have to pay or any scar that needs to heal. Yes, I’m thankful I have not had any emotional strikes lately. Life is definitely a baseball game. Oh, I’ll survive the curve balls being thrown at me. I’ll survive the foul balls I hit. Last week, I told my husband that I worry that he is going to decide that it is no longer “cheaper to keep her!” He thought about it for a few seconds then said I’m a keeper so, no matter how many strikes or foul balls I hit, I’m still on the winning team. Play ball.

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