Saturday, March 28, 2020

What the virus has brought.....

Yes, everyone is worried about the Coronavirus.  

For one, the virus has brought out all the idiots.  It is heartbreaking to see so many die from this deadly virus and so many ill.  Social distancing has come into play for those who are concerned however I see a lot of people who ignore it totally.  They are the ones who are endangering all of us.  The Spring breakers who still long to party.  Those gathering on boats on sandbars.  Yes, Coronavirus has brought out all the idiots.

What I have loved seeing these past two weeks are the families.  Young and old are out walking or biking, all the while keeping their social distance.  I have seen people I have never seen before in our neighborhood.  Children driving battery tractors or cars, peddling tricycles, teens walking with is a refreshing sight.  I hope it continues.  Yes, Coronavirus has brought out the families.

Coronavirus is also allowing people to get things done around their homes that they haven't had time to do.  The "Honey Do" lists are getting shorter.  Mr. Wonderful and myself have been working on cleaning up the garage and emptying our storage unit which is packed full of boxes that Mr. Wonderful has no clue what is inside.  One by one he is going through them and making a pile for the dump.

As for me, well I redesigned my sewing room and moved things around.  I am also sewing masks for the medical community.  I have made about 50 so far.  I am also out exercising on my new tricycle which I call, "Ole Bertha".  I have been nagging Mr. Wonderful to get my bicycle out of storage and he refused to get it or let me ride it.  For some reason he thinks I am a clutz.  I finally broke down and showed him the tricycle I wanted...purple...7 speed with sparkly streamers, a pink and purple bell and now a phone holder on the handlebars.  Geez...he ordered it and put it together immediately upon receipt.  So, what can I do but get out there and peddle the neighborhood.  It has been fun.  I am the only tricycle in the neighborhood (except for little ones) so I guess I will become know as the "crazy old lady on the purple tricycle."  Oh boy...kind of resembles me. is hoping that you all stay safe and stay home!  Later!

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