Sunday, August 30, 2020

The "Eyes" have it!


Several people have asked me about my recent eye surgery that I had on Friday, August 28th at the Tampa Eye and Specialty Center.  So many that I have decided to update you all and share the good, the bad and the ugly!  LOL!


In May I went for my annual eye exam and had a very difficult time with my vision.  The eye doctor made two sets of glasses for me as the first was way off  At that time, he asked me about my droopy eyelids and sent me on to an ophthalmologist for a consultation.  I went to the Prado Eye Center and met with Dr. Frances Acosta who took pictures and told me indeed I was a candidate for eyelid lifts as my eyelids were impeding my vision.    She also specializes in cosmetic surgery.  

Unfortunately, they could not schedule me for surgery until October and during this time, my eyelids were getting worse and it took an effort to hold my eyelids open...especially my right eye.  Fortunately, I was called by mistake when there was a cancellation and on August 13th I went for testing wherein I had to press a buzzer when I saw a light.  They then taped my eyelids open and I did the same test and saw a lot better.  My insurance company approved the surgery and I was scheduled.   See pictures before surgery below with me trying to hold my eyes open.  I have tattooed eyeliner but you can barely see it on the upper eyes.


On the morning of the 28th, my husband had me at Tampa Eye and Specialty Center at 6:15 a.m.  I checked in and was soon taken to the back where I just removed my shirt (yes I could keep my bra and pants on), put on a gown and then they started an IV, placed the heart and oxygen monitor and of course, took my temp due to COVID.

The anesthesiologist came in and explained that I would NOT (panic time) be put to sleep but would instead be given meds in my IV prior to going in to make me relax.  I will tell you I was scared!  

I was taken into surgery and was awake the entire time.  Dr. Acosta injected my eyelids with pain med and drew the area to cut.  Then the cutting began wherein she removed an oval of skin on each eye....and then went back to stitching each eye up.  It was a weird sensation as I had my eyes closed but could see light where she was cutting the oval but I was extremely comfortable with the process and never felt pain.  I listened to her banter with others in the room and actually had to open and close upon command.

After recovery for about an hour, the nurse applied bacitracin on the stitches and I drank juice and was sent on my way.  No bandages told to take Tylenol only for pain and glasses back on my face.  My vision was somewhat blurry off and on this day.

DAY 1 RECOVERY-surgery day:

I went home and wet gauze pads in ice water and applied every 15 minutes.  15 minutes on and 15 minutes off.  I did this all day and my husband applied bacitracin again on my stitches at night.  I never needed any Tylenol and wondered if I should take it to sleep during the night but even with my chin strap and CPAP, I slept like a baby.  My husband jokes about hitting me with a 2 X 4.

DAY 2 RECOVERY - Saturday:

Day 2 started with bacitracin on stitches and then ice on for 15 minutes every hour.  The swelling was much worse this day and my vision was still somewhat blurry.  No pain whatsoever.  See Day 2 pics below with morning (swelling) and evening.  My brother said I looked like Svengoolie (look it up) and when I told my husband, he said, "well I didn't want to say anything but I thought the same thing.)

DAY 3 - Sunday

Today I started the day looking more like a raccoon but feeling great.  It took a warm compress to really get my eyes open and the routine today is bacitracin on stitches and warm compresses 4X a day.  No more ice.  I feel great and as you can see....I can see to type.  My eyes are somewhat itchy (where the stitches are) so I guess it is healing.  The stitches look clean.  The pics below are me waking and prior to a warm compress.  The last one is after warm compress. I cooked breakfast and hope to do some cutting and sewing today.  My husband jokes that he wouldn't let me cook sooner as I may have not seen clearly and would substitute antifreeze in his drink.


Several people wanted to know about all of what happens and if I was glad I did it.  My advice is two words, "DO IT!"  I will honestly tell you that the only once of pain I felt was the pinch of the IV being inserted.  I will also tell you that as a fair-skinned former redhead, the doctor said I would bruise more than normal people.  Wait...does that mean I'm abnormal?  Go figure.  

Already with the swelling, it is so much easier to hold my eyes open.  Before surgery, I constantly would find myself closing them often just to rest from holding them open!  I can also tell that I am seeing out of areas of my eyes that was missing before.

I have a follow-up appointment on Sept. 3rd and honestly don't know if the stitches dissolve themselves or if she takes them out.  If she takes them out, I doubt it will be at that appointment.

I will post more updates and pics as time goes on.  I don't know how long recovery is as I forgot to ask that too so I'll let you all know. If you are considering this or need to have it done, I hope this helps.  My kids would say I post too much but if this helps just one person to make a decision and know what to expect, it is worth it.

DAY 4:

I think it is looking much better and I am feeling great!  Look at my baby blues shine!  Couldn't see them before.

DAY 5:

Day 5 was a great one and feeling energetic.  Did a lot of KETO cooking for our daughter's family and ourselves.  Eyes are open more and yellowish tinge on cheeks.

DAY 6:
It seems in the morning my eyes are somewhat swollen however today I only had the right one swollen (picture is reverse)and could open my eyes easily first thing without warm compresses.  Today most of the red bruising is gone and I'm looking more normal if that's possible.  Oh gosh I need a haircut!

DAY 7: -Six days after surgery (I counted surgery day as day 1):
Went for my post op surgery visit today and had the stitches removed...painlessly I might add.  Surgeon in very happy with the results and so am I. There is still swelling and that will be for a few more days and my right eye is blurry.  If it doesn't clear up in six weeks I need to go for a new eye exam as my prescription may need to be changed as my eyes were severely impaired when I was examined in March and I may have been squinting to see....oh great....another $500 for glasses.  Anyway....I discovered that my glasses I got in March are very scratched so I made a trip to that eye doctor and took them back.  they kept them so now I am using my old prescription.  One thing after another.

Anyway...I am very happy I did the surgery and would do it again in a heartbeat.  Here are the final pictures.  You can now see my eyes!

Saturday, March 28, 2020

What the virus has brought.....

Yes, everyone is worried about the Coronavirus.  

For one, the virus has brought out all the idiots.  It is heartbreaking to see so many die from this deadly virus and so many ill.  Social distancing has come into play for those who are concerned however I see a lot of people who ignore it totally.  They are the ones who are endangering all of us.  The Spring breakers who still long to party.  Those gathering on boats on sandbars.  Yes, Coronavirus has brought out all the idiots.

What I have loved seeing these past two weeks are the families.  Young and old are out walking or biking, all the while keeping their social distance.  I have seen people I have never seen before in our neighborhood.  Children driving battery tractors or cars, peddling tricycles, teens walking with is a refreshing sight.  I hope it continues.  Yes, Coronavirus has brought out the families.

Coronavirus is also allowing people to get things done around their homes that they haven't had time to do.  The "Honey Do" lists are getting shorter.  Mr. Wonderful and myself have been working on cleaning up the garage and emptying our storage unit which is packed full of boxes that Mr. Wonderful has no clue what is inside.  One by one he is going through them and making a pile for the dump.

As for me, well I redesigned my sewing room and moved things around.  I am also sewing masks for the medical community.  I have made about 50 so far.  I am also out exercising on my new tricycle which I call, "Ole Bertha".  I have been nagging Mr. Wonderful to get my bicycle out of storage and he refused to get it or let me ride it.  For some reason he thinks I am a clutz.  I finally broke down and showed him the tricycle I wanted...purple...7 speed with sparkly streamers, a pink and purple bell and now a phone holder on the handlebars.  Geez...he ordered it and put it together immediately upon receipt.  So, what can I do but get out there and peddle the neighborhood.  It has been fun.  I am the only tricycle in the neighborhood (except for little ones) so I guess I will become know as the "crazy old lady on the purple tricycle."  Oh boy...kind of resembles me. is hoping that you all stay safe and stay home!  Later!