You may recall that I am doing two Boot Camps this session. I am a member of the Warriors of Wine at Schnebly’s Winery on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings and the YMCA Boot Camp on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Warriors of Wine started three weeks ago and I have been going every day with the exception of the day I overslept and woke up in a panic! I had accidentally set my alarm for p.m. instead of a.m. I woke up at 6:24 a.m., stood up in a panic and was rushing around when my husband calmly informed me that the class ends at 7 and I would never make it. I couldn’t believe how angry I was at myself for missing it. I know I need to be there.
This week is the beginning of the YMCA Boot Camp session. I have been really excited about the prospect of working out five days a week. I think it would be a great physical challenge for the old lady and I truly feel like I need to push myself a little harder. Unfortunately, during the past week, I received a call from the YMCA staff to inform me that they would not be offering the Tuesday and Thursday morning option for Boot Camp. There are not enough people signed up so they will only have Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning and evening sessions. I cannot begin to tell you how disappointed I was to hear that news. Now what am I going to do?
My boss had signed up with me for the Tuesday and Thursday session at the YMCA and it is easy for him to switch over to Monday and Wednesday which he is doing. I, on the other hand, cannot participate on those days because I attend Warriors of Wine at that time. I have thought about trying to make the evening sessions on those days but the more I thought about it, the more I don’t think that is physically feasible. The workouts are tough and I just do not think my body could keep up.
Someone told me I should go and work out at the YMCA on Tuesdays and Thursdays anyway. This is where the FLS Syndrome takes affect again. Fat Lady Syndrome is keeping me from doing just that. Even after everything I have been through and all the challenges of Boot Camp, I just do not feel comfortable enough to work out in front of other people who are not in my comfort zone. The recruits at Boot Camp know how hard I would out and they support me. My FLS leads me to believe that when I would show up at the YMCA to work out by myself, people would be wondering why I was there and just staring at my size. Now I know you are thinking that I should not feel that way but no matter what, I do. Those who suffer from FLS need a comfort zone and Boot Camp was my comfort zone. I know I took a big step in signing up for it by myself and stepping out of my safety zone and I am proud of myself for doing that but I just am not ready for the next step.
What do I do? I am considering doing personal training on Tuesdays and Thursday. I am investigating several options and I need to see which one is financially possible for me. I have dreamed about having the one-on-one training as I think it would be so beneficial to me. I know I will truly be pushed to my extreme limits and I know I need that right now. I would like to stay at the YMCA for it if it is possible. Nasty Nestor, one of the trainers from the YMCA, has already stepped up and told me he would love to punish me if I can work out the financial aspect of personal training. I know he would like to brutally put me through an exercise routine that would bring me close to death and he would smile while doing it! That’s nasty Nestor! Ha!
Well, time will tell and I am giving myself another week to come up with a firm plan to kick up my exercise routine to the next notch. BAM! Where will I end up? I have no clue but I can tell you this, I will not give up! There is such a difference in my life since I began Boot Camp at the YMCA. I’m not the fastest runner but I can now run and speed walk. I am not the most limber person but I can now get down on the floor and play with my grandson without needing a tow truck to get me up.
If I look back to one year ago, if someone would have told me that I would be in a Boot Camp and looking to enhance that Boot Camp with more exercise, I would have told them they were nuts! If you are sitting there on the couch thinking that you wish you could do what I am doing, let me tell you that YOU CAN! I sat on that couch with you for how many years thinking I could never do anything like this and I have proved myself wrong.
There is still time to register for the YMCA Boot Camp that started this week. Make that call! Get up and do it now.
I am a recruit in the Warrior’s of Wine Boot Camp and I need more!
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