Welcome to Colombia!
We have returned. Elias and I traveled to Colombia, South America this past week, along with his sisters, Magnolia and Ofelia and cousin, Diana. We visited the Island of San Andres (water pictures)for three days and the city of Medellin also. It was wonderful to meet so many of Elias' relatives...some he didn't even know and to see the love they had for us.
It was extremely hard for me to get used to people staring at me. A red head with blue eyes is quite a novelty over here.
The only thing I did not like was the traffic! Stop means go very very fast over there and there are no lanes so everyone jockeys for position within centimeters of each other. It is so bad...how bad is it? It is so bad that the gas trucks have a man in the passenger seat pulling on a string that rings a miniature liberty bell at the top of the truck so they know it is a gas truck coming through and if they hit it, it will explode!
In one of the pictures above, you will see a view down the mountains from the Metro Cable. The city of Medellin has an above ground monorail type transit called the Metro and then there is a part of it called the Metro Cable which is gondolier cars that take people to their homes that are set into the mountains surrounding the valley where the city is located. What a view! The mountains are gorgeous. The balcony picture with Elias and I is from the first day we arrived. The place we stayed was up the side of one mountain and we could look out over the other mountain.
The bus picture is from San Andres. Notice the bus drivers seat and the cleaned out bus....no dash, etc. There are also a few pictures of their Christmas decorations which they are putting up in the city now. Medellin is known for their decorations in the city and on the river and other countries bid to buy them after the holidays!
I am so thankful that I had this opportunity to take this trip. My sister-in-laws, Magnolia and Ofelia, and cousin, Diana, made sure that we had a wonderful trip! I can't thank them enough.
More later!
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