Ernesto a Dud?
This is a picture of my home from yesterday. We just had the painter finish this week. Roof is done and front porch keystone banister and columns are in place. Now we are working on the landscaping. All these repairs have been done due to Hurricane Wilma last October. Just when we are finished.....Ernesto threatens!
It is 6:20 p.m. and thank God Ernesto seems to be a dud. We have our home shuttered and spent hours cleaning up...putting away things like bird feeders, garbage cans, windsocks, planters, and basically anything that will fly. My office closed at 2 and we are closed tomorrow as well. Schools and courts are closed for two days. It is raining in squalls and just a little wind. Nothing near what Katrina was last August. Hopefully this is all we will get throughout the night and up through tomorrow at noon....so says the news. I'm a happy camper! We even have electric!!
Thank God for blowing this storm apart!
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