State Farm....I Have Better Neighbors!!!
State Farm Insurances slogan of "Like a Good Neighbor, State Farm is There" is not ringing true in my ears. After Hurricane Wilma hit on the 23rd, on September 24th, I reported our damage due to a tornado and the storm. (See the attached picture of the metal that looks like ribbon from my screened pool patio.) I was told to call back the next day for a claim number. I did so and was told it would be about 1 to 2 weeks before an adjuster would come out. After two week, I called...and called. One time the woman told me that she would settle the claim over the phone. I told her I already had a roof estimate and a pool screening estimate. When I told her what they were, she said there was not way to settle it over the phone and she asked me to fax the information to her. I did and no further word from her. Finally, after calling again, a person informed me that they had mistakenly placed me with the wrong unit and they had me living in Texas! They gave me another number to call and I did only to find out I needed an emergency agent number which I did not have. I then called my insurance agent and told him the story and he called and provided me with the number. I then called back and left a message for the mysterious Chad who was to be my adjuster. In the meantime, every time it rained, I have five rooms leaking and wood warping besides missing the entire pool enclosure that blew off my house....metal and all!
State Farm Insurances slogan of "Like a Good Neighbor, State Farm is There" is not ringing true in my ears. After Hurricane Wilma hit on the 23rd, on September 24th, I reported our damage due to a tornado and the storm. (See the attached picture of the metal that looks like ribbon from my screened pool patio.) I was told to call back the next day for a claim number. I did so and was told it would be about 1 to 2 weeks before an adjuster would come out. After two week, I called...and called. One time the woman told me that she would settle the claim over the phone. I told her I already had a roof estimate and a pool screening estimate. When I told her what they were, she said there was not way to settle it over the phone and she asked me to fax the information to her. I did and no further word from her. Finally, after calling again, a person informed me that they had mistakenly placed me with the wrong unit and they had me living in Texas! They gave me another number to call and I did only to find out I needed an emergency agent number which I did not have. I then called my insurance agent and told him the story and he called and provided me with the number. I then called back and left a message for the mysterious Chad who was to be my adjuster. In the meantime, every time it rained, I have five rooms leaking and wood warping besides missing the entire pool enclosure that blew off my house....metal and all!
After 29 days, two gentlemen, Louis and Gary called me at work and asked if I could meet them at my home as they were the adjusters from State Farm. I was thrilled and left work and was with them for three hours while they measured, took pictures, etc. and I provided them with all our documentation, invoices, estimates, etc. They left and told me I would hear something in two days. After two days, I called received a call from the famous Chad who was trying to make an appointment to come and see the damage as he was the adjuster from State Farm! I already told him that the other two were there for three hours and he said he would look into it.
Come to find out that State Farm did not know who was out there or where all the documentation was. They had lost everything!! Now I begin a fax war and continue to fax as they keep saying they never received things. In the meantime I am getting more frustrated at the condition of our home and the lack of response. We had sent three set of faxes which we have confirmations for that they can't find!
Finally...relief! They send us a settlement offer over the fax! $9,000 for a tile roof that I have an estimate of $51,000.00 to replace. Other items such as the central air that is laying in the yard were not even on the list. Now they told me to go online and research a company that would probably make the tiles for my roof to match as my roofer has stated that he could not match the concrete tiles I have! Forget about the underlying leaks......they want to patch the roof only! What a joke.
Anyway....it has been a comedy of grave errors and STATE FARM IS NOT OUR GOOD NEIGHBOR!
Now we are supposedly on an "URGENT" list......two days and waiting.......the saga continues!
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