A WALK IN MY SHOES.... Years ago I began a blog but then stopped updating it due to the fact that I had the opportunity to become a columnist and share my life through a weekly column in a local newspaper. As a retiree, I still feel the need to share. This journal has been resurrected as an outlet, a replacement to my column which was called A Walk in My Shoes, to share my life and in many cases, to simply say what people are thinking but are afraid to say.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Week 21 - Still down 13 pounds
Week 21 has shown no change. I do feel that I have lost inches but no change in weight this week. Not good....not bad....not discouraging. Hopefully less next week!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Alexander Ruiz - Born September 17, 2007
Alexander Ruiz - Born September 17, 2007
This past Saturday our daughter Debi and son-in-law Eddy hosted a first birthday party for our grandson Alex. Alex had a great time. It is amazing how much he has changed in one year. He is now walking all over and chattering like a parrot. He waves and says bye bye and throws kisses. If you ask him how old is Alex, he shows you the one finger and he actually said "one" the other day. Alex also gives high fives and loves to give kisses. Alex has been a blessing to us all.

Weekend Guests Come to "Your Ami!"

This past weekend we had a very special weekend guest. Ms. Ella Knause from Tampa came to visit with her Aunt Jessica. Ella has always been sad when Jessica would come home to Miami. The kids in the Knause family decided that they want to go to Jessie's Yourami too! Ella's 5 year old brother Cade has already come for a visit and this time it was Ella's turn. Ella is 4 and has two younger sisters and a younger brother! Yep....5 kids but they are all so well behaved and polite.
Ella and Jessie came down for our grandson Alex's birthday. After the party on Saturday, Ella, Jessie and myself swam in the pool and then Ella and I did crafts. Ella also met Georgie...my husband's pet peacock who is wild but comes every day to eat out of his hand. Ella cried because she wanted to stay longer and we would have loved to have her stay longer. Her Mommy and Daddy should be very proud of Ella as she was so well behaved and we just fell in love with her.

Monday, September 15, 2008
Week 20 and Moving in the Right Direction!
Today I weighed in and was very pleased. I noticed that I have been eating less and leaving more on my plate this week. My exercise only consisted of one day walking as my walking partner has been sick but all in all I did well.
Drum roll please...........I have FINALLY surpassed the original 10 lbs I had lost since starting this 20 weeks ago and then falling off the wagon and putting some back on.
This week I am down 3.5 pounds for a total of 12.5 lost!
Drum roll please...........I have FINALLY surpassed the original 10 lbs I had lost since starting this 20 weeks ago and then falling off the wagon and putting some back on.
This week I am down 3.5 pounds for a total of 12.5 lost!
Monday, September 8, 2008
by Guest Blogger...
Alexander Elias Ruiz
Hi everyone. My Grammy said it was o.k. for me to write on her blog today because she forgot to tell you that I got to spend a whole weekend with her and Papi at their house a couple of weeks ago.
You see, before Mommy went back to work, she and daddy went to Key West for the weekend. My Uncle Danny picked me up at my school....I wasn't too happy about that...and took me to Grammy's house so I was there when she came home from work on Friday.
I was a good boy on Friday evening and splashed Grammy when I took my bath. I love my bath time and love the water. I went to bed at 7 p.m. and slept all the way until 4 when Grammy gave me a bottle and put me right back to bed.
On Saturday we played all day and then Papi told Grammy to take me in the pool. Oh he knows I just love the pool and I was jumping in...1....2.....3 and dunking under water! I got Grammy up twice Saturday night but I went right back to sleep after she fed me. Oh...and guess what I had for Grammy on both mornings? Yep...I went poopy in my diaper! Tee hee! Grammy called me stinky!
On Sunday morning Grammy got me dressed and took me to 8 a.m. mass. We sat in the crying room but I was a good boy and didn't cry at all! I was so good that Grammy took me to breakfast with the gang from church and I was good there too because Grammy got me French toast and I love to eat! Grammy took me home in her big red truck and do you know what? I fell right asleep! Mommy and Daddy came to pick me up around noon and I was still sleeping from my nap!
I loved my weekend with Grammy and Papi. Here is a picture of me having my breakfast that Saturday sitting in the high chair that my Mommy, Uncle Danny and Aunt Jessica sat in when they were babies.
Yeah.....I know......I know....I'm cute!
The End.
Week 19...missed .......Week 18 - I'm a Loser!
Week 18 I did not get time to report in. I stayed the same that week.
Week 19 - I am down 2 pound making it 9.5 pounds lost so far. .5 pounds away from being the lowest I've been since starting this mission. .5 is promissing as I had fallen off the wagon for a while but lately it seems to be easier to get my head back in the game and being that close now will give me a goal to break.
Losing weight is a mental game. My head has to be in it in order to lose. I also know that the only way I can lose is through a lifestyle change such as Weight Watchers and not through one fad diet after another. I have to be able to eat whatever I want but know my limits and control portions.
My goal for this week is to start exercising again. I have not done any exercising in a while and today my boss and I are going to start to walk again after work. We have had one excuse after the other.....heat....rain, etc. I miss it and I noticed that when I was walking, it was much easier to bend, get on the floor with my grandson, etc. so I have to do it. I also started writing down what I eat so hopefully I can make a full week of writing. I've been trying to do it over the past several weeks but don't last more than 2 or 3 days.
I also continue to love my new drink container and this has probably helped me to lose weight this week as I always carry it with me and it stays cold. Here's a picture. It is marked with ounces and milliliters, has a pop up straw, doesn't leak and has a convenient metal clip to clip to my purse or whatever.
Well...until next week!
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Guess Who is Walking?
It is hard to believe it but Alex, our grandson, has become quite a little man. He now walks all over...except when he is getting into trouble and wants to hurry up.....Debi and Eddy say you can hear the patter of his hands on the floor as he scurries into trouble!
It is even harder to believe that one year ago on September 17th, I was blessed to see my grandson being born.
I'm sure you will agree he is a cutie. Only two teeth yet but he eats everything.
Now...if only I can get him to say "GRAMMY"!

Yes...she found a dress!
Someone reminded me that I forgot to post if our daughter, Jessica, found a wedding dress on our recent trip to Tampa. I am please to respond that we found the dress by lunchtime and it was at the second store that we found it! Of course you will NOT see a picture of it until after March 20th! It was a wonderful trip with my girls.
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