Announcing the Engagement of our Daughter, Jessica
Elias and I are pleased to announce the engagement of our daughter, Jessica, to Jackson Jones of Tampa, Florida. Jackson asked if he could have our permission to marry Jessica two weeks ago when they came down to visit for the weekend. Jackson and Jessica were introduced by friends at their church who thought they would be perfect for each other. I guess they were right and what a better place to meet your future God's house!
Jackson buried her ring in a fruit dessert he made for her, inside of a chocolate covered box but she did not want to eat the chocolate and almost blew it. Here are pictures of her ring, (he has good taste) the dessert, the roses and all. You can click on the picture to make it bigger. Jessie is walking on cloud nine and I guess she hasn't stopped smiling yet as she seems very happy. I'm sure Jackson is too. A March 20th, 2009 wedding is planned in Tampa and we look forward to adding Jackson into our family.