Alex sees his first Rodeo Parade
When our children were little, my friend Marcie and I always made it a tradition to take our children to the Rodeo Parade in downtown Homestead. Every year we would sit in the same spot and our children really enjoyed it. As time went on, we would often sit on the curb and watch our own children march by in baton groups or band or school groups. Eventually we all ended up in the parade with girl scouts or band or other organizations.
Now that my children are grown up, I have not attended the parade for several years. This year, my daughter Debi informed me that I had to continue tradition and attend the parade with her husband and my grandson Alex. I am happy to report that Alex had a wonderful time and so did I. The only thing he did not like was the nosiy fire truck! Alex was a hit with the ladies and a lot of candy was thrown at him.